fbpx Cameilla Benger | Danila Dilba

Cameilla Benger

Cameilla is wearing square wire frame glasses and looking at the camera. She has a black Danila Dilba polo, dark hair and is standing in front of clinic medical supplies.

Meet Cameilla Benger - AHP Trainee at Palmerston Clinic

Cameilla commenced her Aboriginal Health Practitioner (AHP) traineeship in 2022. She did this through the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education, with the practical component of her studies continued at Danila Dilba Health Service.  

What motivated you to become an AHP?

My passion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care is what motivated me to begin my training as an AHP. I love helping people and providing quality primary health care to achieve good health outcomes for our people. 

How many clients would you see in an average week?

Around 30. 

What brings you the most satisfaction in your job?

Teaching and empowering people to take control of their own health. Helping people in need is a very rewarding feeling. I have made some great relationships with regular clients which is a good feeling too, knowing people feel comfortable and safe accessing health care at a clinic. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

Doing some extra study to broaden my skills and experience in this role. 

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