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Tackling Tobacco and Healthy Lifestyles

TIS Team

What is Danila Dilba’s Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) Program?

The TIS program helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people develop skills to quit smoking through tailored and culturally safe services, including one-on-one consultations focused on motivation, education, goal setting and clinical advice.

The TIS team deliver Deadly Choices smoking education sessions at middle schools in the Darwin and Palmerston regions. The team also run smoking cessation sessions for adult groups, including at residential rehabilitation centres and for pregnant clients who attend Danila Dilba clinics. The team also run education sessions to promote smoke-free environments and conduct health promotion stalls at community and sporting events and in shopping centres.

Contact the TIS team today!

Phone: 8942 5400

Want to quit smoking? 

By visiting this site you have made the first positive step! Have you been thinking about cutting out the smokes, or do you know someone who is thinking about quitting smoking and improving their health? 

Negative health effects of smoking












Benefits of giving up the smokes

Quitting reduces your chance of getting chronic disease, such as a heart attack, lung and throat cancer, stroke, shortness of breath coughing and wheezing. 

Other benefits include:

  • Feeling healthier
  • Sense of smell and taste improves
  • Improved chance of longer and healthier life
  • Saving money

When you don't smoke you: 

  • Have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Are 10 times less likely to develop lung and and other cancers
  • Have good circulation
  • Experience less coughing
  • Breathe better, smell better, feel better, and have more energy
  • Don't expose children and family to second hand smoke

Vaping and the environment

Like smoking, vaping has negative health effects caused by a range of toxic particles. Vapes are also harmful to the environment. The short-term, disposal devices can cause fires and leach metals, plastics and chemicals into our land and waterways. 

Find out more vaping. 

What is Vaping?

Complete the Tackling Tobacco Registration Form to go into the draw to win a prize.