fbpx Calling Our Young Mob! | Danila Dilba
Danila Dilba logo on blue watermarked background with words overlayed: Yarning with Danila Dilba!
04 July 2024

Calling Our Young Mob!

New Program - STRONG

Do you know some young mob who could do with a bit of extra support? Danila Dilba is now running a STRONG program to help our young ones aged 12 - 24 to find healthy connections with themselves, their peers, their community and other services.

STRONG stands for:

Text based image listing the types of services provided by STRONG Team.













The STRONG team are passionate about creating a safe and open space where young people can go to feel welcome, be engaged and connect with their peers and support workers.

Activities include:

  • Weekly catch ups
  • Fun support programs (food included)
  • Transport to programs or other appointments

Want more information? Give us a call on 0409 790 549.