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04 July 2024

New Danggal Dalby Team

Supporting Kids and Families

A new Danggal Dalby team is now operating at Danila Dilba. Danggal Dalby means ‘Strong Kids’ in Larrakia language. Our Danggal Dalby team works with children and their families to connect you with multidisciplinary paediatric services in the Greater Darwin region if your child has an identified neurodevelopmental vulnerability.

Our paediatricians also provide support to you and your child as you navigate the system to gain a formal diagnosis.

Services we work closely with include:

  • NT Hearing – NT Hearing also runs a hearing clinic out of the DDHS Knuckey St Clinic on the last Thursday of every month.
  • Children’s Development Team (CDT) – CDT provide diagnostic clinics to improve access for families requiring a multidisciplinary team diagnostic assessment.
  • NDIS – For children aged +9 years who have been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disability.
  • Early Children Australia NT – Supporting children 0-9 with access to early intervention therapy.

The Danggal Dalby team is made up of:

  • Team Leader
  • Paediatrician (operating out of our Rapid Creek, Malak and Palmerston clinics)
  • Nurse Coordinator
  • Family Support Worker
  • Project Officer
DDHS staff meet with mum and child in the Danggal Dalby (Strong Kids) meeting room at Palmerston Clinic.
Photo: Danila Dilba Danggal Dalby paediatrician meets with young girl and her Mum.