Danila Dilba Health Service's submission on children and young people with disability in the NT to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability
The focus of this submission is on the systemic failure to identify and address the complex needs of First Nations children with disabilities, particularly those with neurodevelopmental impairment or developmental delay. As this submission and associated case studies demonstrate, lack of support for families of children with disabilities can lead to a perpetuating cycle of parental neglect, engagement of child protection services, school disengagement and ultimately, entrenchment in the criminal justice system.
Our submission focusses on the benefits of delivering a comprehensive primary health care model, integrating education, early assessment, multi-disciplinary and specialist treatment and therapeutic interventions in a holistic wraparound model. Our experience demonstrates that Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services are well placed to coordinate and deliver these services, leveraging off existing relationships of trust to ensure continuity of care and support throughout the client journey.
11 November 2020