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Italk Video's

Elvis's Story - Italk Videos


Danila Dilba and Italk Studios with funding from the NT Law society have produced three short videos about looking after kids and keeping them safe.  The videos also talk about what can happen when children aren’t safe and how families can get help. They follow  a story of a family that is having troubles and how that can lead to kids not being looked after well. In the story we also see how child protection can get involved and how families can deal with that.  

It also offers advice for families where children have been taken into child protection; they can get support from family and community, see a lawyer, and stay engaged with Territory Families.

The story is narrated by the elder Uncle Max. It follows the journey of a young  boy Elvis whose family is having troubles and is eventually taken into child protection by Territory Families.

Check out the video's below

Elvis Story Part One https://youtu.be/1GSgWFSDcug

Elvis Story Part Two https://youtu.be/U2REiuuYqk4

Elvis Story Part Three https://youtu.be/rCMjp4pXZR8