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03 July 2024

Improving Client Services

In 2024 Danila Dilba Health Service is undertaking a Service Improvement Project to redesign our service model so we can better suit the needs of our clients into the future.
CEO Rob McPhee said the project will allow DDHS to build a consistent framework across all clinics, so every patient has the same experience regardless of which Danila Dilba clinic they visit.

"Since beginning my time as CEO at Danila Dilba the demand for our services has continued to grow," Rob said.
“We know there is a nationwide GP shortage, an issue that is worse in regional areas like Darwin.  So we need to find ways to work smarter by using our Aboriginal Health Practitioners (AHPs) and Nurses more.

"A large proportion of care for our clients can be done by our APHs and Nurses, which will free up our GPs to treat those patients who need the most help.

DDHS had committed to employing five Aboriginal Health Practitioner trainees per year for the next five years.
“Our first cohort of AHP trainees have already started and are rotating through our clinics as they learn on the job," Rob said.
Rob said clients may notice some changes to the way they receive their care in the second half of 2024, as the new service model is trialled.
“You may need to see your health care team at a different clinic, or you may see a different health professional at your next appointment,” he said.
Your DDHS team will talk to you about these changes and can answer any of your questions. We will also provide some information for you to take home and read.

Rob said the entire project would take up to three years to implement.
“We want to take our time and make sure we get it right.