fbpx To close the health gap, we need programs that work. Here are three of them - The Conversation | Danila Dilba
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To close the health gap, we need programs that work. Here are three of them - The Conversation


The tenth Closing the Gap report to be tabled in Parliament today is expected to show progress in the two health targets – to close the gap in life expectancy by 2031 and halve the child mortality (death) gap by 2018. But only the latter is on track.

The Indigenous death rate has dropped by 15% (from 1998-2015), but we’re not on track to meet the deadline. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer are responsible for the majority of this gap.

Read full article here: https://theconversation.com/to-close-the-health-gap-we-need-programs-that-work-here-are-three-of-them-91482