Danila Dilba Health Service (DDHS) is seeking expressions of interest to fill a vacancy on its Board of Directors for the position of an Independent Director.


In accordance with DDHS’ Constitution, to be eligible for the role of Independent Director, the individual must:

        • have skills in financial management, education and training, health and community services, corporate governance, accounting, law or a field relating to DDHS’ activities;
        • not be a Member of DDHS;
        • not be an employee of DDHS;
        • not be a Relative of the CEO of DDHS;
        • not have a financial interest in DDHS’ operations; and
        • be at least 18 years old.


The DDHS Board meets four times per year for a half day, and on an ad-hoc basis if the need arises.

Depending on their skills and expertise, the independent director may also be invited to sit on a board subcommittee which also meets four times per year for approximately 2 hours.

This position is a voluntary position.

Expressions of Interest

If you are interested in being considered for the role of Independent Director or would like further information about the role, please contact Alex Gibson at companysecretary@ddhs.org.au or on 08 8945 5400. Expressions of interest need to be provided by Friday 14 February 2025.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are encouraged to apply.

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