Executive Management Team

Our Organisational Structure

The DDHS Executive Management Team (EMT) are an important part of our high-level organisational structure. The team meet monthly to discuss and approve all key strategic matters related to our health service, including items related to clinical, financial and corporate services and overall service provision. All matters endorsed by lower level DDHS committees must also be endorsed by the EMT, as well as any matter that requires approval from the DDHS Board.

The EMT includes the following key positions:

This is a blue diagram on a white background outlining the high level organisation structure and reporting lines at Danila Dilba Health Service.

Our EMT:

Profile picture of DDHS CEO Rob McPhee

Rob McPhee

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Profile picture of DDHS Chief Medical Officer

Dr Nicole Carter

Chief Medical Officer (CMO)

Manosh Balasingam

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Profile picture of Tiana McCoy

Tiana McCoy

Executive Manager – Integrated Clinical Services

Profile picture of David Blair

David Blair

Executive Manager Corporate Services

Profile picture of DDHS Manager Policy and Strategy.

Joy McLaughlin

Manager, Policy and Strategy