Board and Membership
Our Directors
The Danila Dilba Board of Directors has eight director positions, six who are elected for three-year terms and two Independent non-Member Directors appointed by the Board. The Board meets four times a year, as outlined here. Our current Directors are:
DDHS Membership
Keen to help make your health service more deadly? Join us as a Danila Dilba Member! DDHS Members can be anyone over the age of 18 who is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person who usually resides in the Yilli Rreung Region. As a member you can attend Annual General Meetings, as well as nominante and vote for Director positions on the Board.
To become a DDHS Member, you need to fill out an application form and have it endorsed by two current members. For more information on this process you can contact our Company Secretary on 0475 935 521 or email