Board and Membership

Our Directors

The Danila Dilba Board of Directors has eight director positions, six who are elected for three-year terms and two Independent non-Member Directors appointed by the Board. The Board meets four times a year, as outlined here. Our current Directors are:

  • Carol Stanislaus (Chairperson)
  • Camille Lew Fatt (Deputy Chairperson)
  • Nicole Hucks (Larrakia Director)
  • Michael McGregor
  • Yvette Roe
  • Hakon Dyrting
  • Deborah Butler (Independent non-Member Director)

DDHS Membership

Keen to help make your health service more deadly? Join us as a Danila Dilba Member! DDHS Members can be anyone over the age of 18 who is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person who usually resides in the Yilli Rreung Region. As a member you can attend Annual General Meetings, as well as nominante and vote for Director positions on the Board.

To become a DDHS Member, you need to fill out an application form and have it endorsed by two current members. For more information on this process you can contact our Company Secretary on 0475 935 521 or email

More About the DDHS Board of Directors:

Danila Dilba Board Chair Carol Stanislaus head shot.

Carol Stanislaus (Chairperson)

Carol Stanislaus is a Tiwi and Anmatjere woman, born and raised on Larrakia Country. Carol is a descendant of the NT Stolen Generation. She has worked in a variety of Indigenous positions in tourism, childcare, housing, alcohol and other drugs, government and justice, and currently works with the Australian Government’s National Indigenous Australians Agency. Carol holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Aboriginal Community Management and Development and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Management. Carol is also a member of the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA).

Carol has been a DDHS Board Director since 2014 under ORIC, and Board Chair from 25 November 2022, following a transition from ORIC to ASIC.

Term expires: 2026 Annual General Meeting

DDHS Board Director, Camille Lew Fatt is wearing a black shirt with the yellow Danila Dilba logo on the right chest. There is a white background and she is smiling at the camera.

Camille Lew Fatt (Deputy Chairperson)

Camille is a local Aboriginal woman, born and raised in Darwin. She holds a Graduate Certificate in Business (Public Sector Management), Bachelor of Commerce and Diploma of Business. Camille is currently the Senior Director, Aboriginal Interpreter Service with the Northern Territory Government and is a member of the Finance, Risk and Audit Commitee (FRAC).

Term expires: 2025 Annual General Meeting

DDHS Larrakia Director Nicole Hucks has medium length black hair and is wearing a black blazer. She is against a whilte background

Nicole Hucks (Larrakia Director)

Nicole is a Larrakia, Wadjigan and Arrernte Aboriginal woman, who was born and raised in Darwin. Nicole holds a Bachelor of Social Work and has defined her career in child and family welfare, with experience in child protection, youth justice, out of home care, as well as program and policy development. She has held roles including the Acting Children’s Commissioner (NT) and is the General Manager of Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the Northern Territory (APONT).

Nicole previously served as a Director of Danila Dilba Health Service from 2017 and 2019.

Term expires: 2027 Annual General Meeting

DDHS Board Member Michael McGregor wears a light blue polo shirt with the yellow Danila Dilba logo on the chest and an Aboriginal flag visible on one sleeve. He is smiling showing teeth. The background is white.

Michael McGregor

Michael McGregor has over 20 years’ experience working with Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory across a wide range of sectors including health, employment and training, and business development. Michael brings a varied array of skills to the Danila Dilba board after working for the Australian Government implementing capacity-strengthening initiatives with non-government and government funded organisations across the Territory. More recently Michael has worked with a wide range of business owners, corporate entities, Aboriginal organisations and traditional owner groups in a business development capacity. Michael is a member of the DDHS Finance, Risk and Audit Committee (FRAC).

Term expires: 2025 Annual General Meeting

DDHS Board Director Yvette Roe has short dark hair and is wearing a navy blouse with the yellow Danila Dilba logo on the right chest. She is smiling at the camera and the background is white.

Yvette Roe

Professor Yvette Roe (PhD) is a Njikena Jawuru woman from the West Kimberley, WA and was born and raised on Larrakia Country. Her family has had a historical connection to Garramilla (Darwin) since the 1950s. Yvette completed a PhD (Public Health and Epidemiology) with the University of South Australia, Adelaide in 2015 and is currently the Professor of Indigenous Health and a Director at the Molly Wardaguga Research Centre, Charles Darwin University (CDU). Yvette has more than 30 years’ experience working in Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Services. Her current research is on ensuring that maternal and infant services are mother-child focused and informed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values, ways of knowing, being and doing. Yvette is a member of the DDHS Clinical Governance Committee.

Term expires: 2026 Annual General Meeting

Profile photo of DDHS Board Director Hakon Dyrting. Hakon has short dark hair, a dark beard and is wearing a black t-shirt. He is facing the camera and smiling slightly.

Hakon Dyrting

Hakon is a proud Aboriginal Garrawa, Djugun and Yawuru man who was born and raised in Darwin. He is currently employed as an Indigenous Enterprise Consultant for the Northern Territory Business Network. This involves facilitation of start-up or acceleration support for mob currently in or wanting to start a business; advocating for Aboriginal procurement; and government and non-government stakeholder engagement. Hakon firmly believes in unlocking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander potential and providing education and pathways for our emerging leaders to become self-determined.

Hakon also had the opportunity to be part of the NAPCAN Youth Network in 2022, the 2023 U.S. Consulate General Melbourne Youth Advisory Council and was part of the Culture is Life delegation to attend the World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conference in Niagra Falls, Seneca Nation, United States. Hakon is a member of the Clinical Governance Committee.

Term expires: 2025 Annual General Meeting

Deborah Butler (Independent non-Member Director)

Deborah Butler is a Jawoyn woman, born and raised in Katherine Northern Territory (NT).  She has a Bachelor of Business, Master of Public Health, is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and recently completed a fellowship with the Australian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM). She has over 20 years’ experience working with government policy and projects in various roles in both SA and the NT, primarily in the areas of Aboriginal housing and health policy. Deb is a member of the DDHS Clinical Governance Committee.

Term expires: 28 November 2025