Constitution and Governance
Our Constitution and Governance Policies
Danila Dilba Biluru Butji Binnilutlum Health Service Limited (Danila Dilba Health Service/DDHS) is an Aboriginal community-controlled, not-for-profit organisation and a registered charity.
DDHS is not-for-profit company limited by guarantee (Australian Company Number (ACN) 663 350 605) incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC).
The purpose of our health service is to improve the physical, mental, spiritual, cultural and social wellbeing of the Biluru people of the Yilli Rreung Region through innovative culturally safe and effective comprehensive primary health care programs and services that are based on the values of respect, trust, honesty and integrity, fairness, transparency and accountability, high professional standards, ethics and quality. Danila Dilba is accountable to its members, clients and stakeholders.
The Board of Directors has eight Director positions, six who are elected for three-year terms and two Independent Directors appointed by the Board. The Board positions are a Chair, Deputy Chair, a Larrakia Director, two Independent Directors, and three further Directors.
The DDHS Board is required to meet four times a year. It is scheduled to meet in 2025 on the following dates:
- Friday 28 February
- Friday 30 May
- Friday 29 August
- Friday 21 November
The DDHS Board is supported by two subcommittees:
- The Finance, Risk and Audit Committee (FRAC) was established by the Board to assist it in fulfilling its corporate governance and oversight responsibilities in relation to financial management, corporate reporting, including financial reporting, risk management (including clinical risk management) and internal control, external audit, internal audit and compliance.
- The Clinical Governance Committee (CGC) was established by the Board to assist it in fulfilling its clinical governance and oversight responsibilities and provides assurance to the Board on: (i) the effectiveness of safety systems (in relation to both Cultural and Clinical Safety); (ii) the effectiveness of internal control and clinical risk management systems; (iii) the processes for monitoring compliance with laws, regulations, and standards; and (iv) policies within the Committee’s areas of responsibility.
The FRAC and the CGC both meet at least four times in every calendar year.
An Annual General Meeting must be held every year by the end of November.
Any notices to the Company’s Registered Office are to be sent to: